is launching its own Arsenal WhatsApp community and we want you to join! We will send you the latest breaking news, our agenda-setting exclusives and top headlines, as well as all the latest transfer gossip of course, straight to your phone.
Users must download or already have WhatsApp on their phones to join in and all you have to do to join is click this link.
No one will be able to see who is receiving our broadcasts and no one else can send messages except for the team.
We will also treat our community members to special offers, promotions, and adverts from us and our partners. If you don’t like our community, you can check out any time you like, but we hope you stay.
We'll bring you the biggest breaking news stories from around the Emirates Stadium and as part of our community you will get the news before anyone else, direct to your phone. Not only that, but we'll give you in-depth features about the players and staff in the red half of north London as well as some more interactive content like polls and videos.
We hope you stick around, but you can leave at any time you like. To leave our community click on the name at the top of your screen and choose Exit group.
If you’re curious, you can read our Privacy Notice.